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Honor Flight Syracuse, Inc. is an IRS 501(c)(3) public charity (EIN 45-4021913), registered with the New York State Attorney General’s Charity Bureau (NY Registration # 43-69-91). Donations are tax deductible to the full extent of the law.

A generous donation of $500 sponsors a Veteran to fly on a mission (airplane, bus, meals, backpack, photo book, etc.)

There are two ways you can donate!

1) Donate Online:


2) Download and Complete a Donation Form:

Donate By Mail

We absolutely rely on the generous donations from our community and sponsors. If you would like to help honor our veterans, consider making a contribution in any amount. Whatever you give will be thankfully received and put to the best possible use: showing these men and women the respect and appreciation they deserve, and giving them an experience they will remember and cherish.

There are other ways of helping honor our veterans! Whether or not you can make a donation today, consider volunteering with an upcoming honor flight.

Honor Flight Syracuse