Grateful Veterans say thanks

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Grateful Veterans say thanks

Grateful Veterans say thanks

One Vietnam vet told us recently, “I’ve been an angry man for 52 years. After my trip on Honor Flight, I’m not angry anymore.”

Read what these other veterans and family members had to say about their recent Honor Flight experience:

“He finally received the recognition he earned as a veteran of the Vietnam war!  I was overwhelmed by the activity at the airport.  I could have burst into crying at the drop of a hat!  I was never more proud to be an American.  Please keep doing what you are doing.  Your program is vital to our veterans and their families.” 

Marie-Louise Wyckoff, mother-in-law of Roy Perrone, Mission 18 veteran

“That one day in DC was as eventful as the day I came home from my second tour in Vietnam. The trip to DC was by far much more enjoyable than the animosity greeting me when I landed in Syracuse in December 1969. I am now very proud to have served.  I recently was told by my doctors that I only have a short to live (Cancer). Thanks to Honor Flight, I can feel that I’m dying at home, because of the greetings I received by all the staff, volunteers, and all the well wishes at Hancock airport.”

Ed Bolen, Mission 19 veteran

“Dear friend, and supporter of Honor Flight Syracuse, I am a 91-year-old Korean War veteran. I will remember my September 30, 2023 Honor Flight for the rest of my life, and I will remember the kindness, thoughtfulness, and generosity of all who made it possible. I wish I could personally thank each one of you! I will especially remember the cheers, salutes and warm greetings from well-wishers throughout the day. It was amazing and awe inspiring! I was overwhelmed by the entire experience. It made me realize that the words: DUTY, HONOR, COUNTRY are still important to many. Thank you for what you do for all veterans.  It will not be forgotten. May God bless you all.

Richard DeFazio, Mission 19 veteran

“I was on the Honor Flight Mission 19 on September 30, 2023. It was a tremendous trip. I was truly touched with the parade at the airport. My family also enjoyed the whole mission. Thank you.”

Dick Pasternak, Mission 19 veteran

“On behalf of my husband, Jacob Frances Durfey, I am writing to let you know how much he enjoyed going on Honor Flight Syracuse Mission 19 on September 30, 2023. He is quite proud that he was chosen. He has told all our friends and relatives about the various sites and monuments he saw. I personally wish to say thank you. I sincerely believe that it has contributed to his recovery from lung cancer and his surgery. He is doing well and I believe we will win this fight. Again, thank you.”

Ann M. Durfey, wife of Jacob Frances Durfey, Mission 19 veteran

“Thank you for the exquisite commemorative photo book which honors those of us who were part of Mission 19. Words cannot express my gratitude for this, and for the opportunity to have participated in the trip. What an honor!” 

Lyle Stedman, Mission 19 veteran

“The Mission was super and enjoyable, for everyone who participated. My son, Allen, who was my guardian, says he will never forget the experience. The individuals who gave their time and energy to honor the vets went beyond the call of duty, both here and in Washington. My service and contribution to my country was an honor that I treasure.”

Richard Lauricella, Mission 18 veteran

And our volunteers share the pride and gratitude of our veterans:

“Being a part of this incredible organization is such an honor and a privilege – every time I walk out to the airport’s parking garage after a Mission it feels like I’m walking out of Church.  I’m filled with such a deep sense of gratitude and peace that it’s almost a guilty pleasure to serve!  I look forward to continuing serving the very people who served our country.”

Annie Palen, volunteer

Honor Flight Syracuse