Honor Flight Syracuse accepts one of the largest single fundraising gifts in its 11-year history!

Home » Honor Flight Syracuse accepts one of the largest single fundraising gifts in its 11-year history!
Honor Flight Syracuse accepts one of the largest single fundraising gifts in its 11-year history!

Honor Flight Syracuse accepts one of the largest single fundraising gifts in its 11-year history!

TOMRA, the global recycling company, today presented a check to Honor Flight Syracuse from the proceeds of the overwhelming community response to a massive bottle and can drive held this spring from April 14th-17th.

The gift totaled $24,993.46, representing the generosity of the Central New Yorkers who surrendered their bottles and cans that weekend at Destiny USA and at TOMRA redemption centers throughout the greater Syracuse area.  It’s one of the largest donations from a single fundraising event that Honor Flight Syracuse has ever received. Jim Meola, TOMRA Redemption Director, says the total donation to Honor Flight Syracuse, from 3 separate bottle and can drives dating back to April of 2022, has now topped $64,000.00…

and they’re not done yet!

Meola says, “Start saving your bottles and cans for the rest of the summer.  We’ve got our next drive for Honor Flight coming up September 23rd-24th at Destiny USA and at Bradley’s, just outside Fort Drum in Evans Mills.

Honor Flight Syracuse